
What is Occupational Therapy? 

Occupational Therapy is a health care, client-centered rehabilitation profession that provides therapy interventions to persons with physical, psychosocial, developmental, or emotional disabilities, across all ages.

The goal of occupational therapy is to help the person to be functionally independent and able, as much as possible, in the performance of his/her engagements in many occupational areas such as activities of daily living, work, leisure & play, and education, thereby leading to rebuilding and/or improving his/her health, independence, and self-esteem. 

An occupational therapist finds his/her niche of OT practice in the rehabilitation sections of hospitals (whether government, private or military),  nursing homes, stand-alone rehabilitation clinics, mental health institutions, home health agency services, academe, special schools, community home health-settings, and home health private practice. 

Uncover your potential in Occupational Therapy at the University of Perpetual Help - Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University! 

At UPH-DJGTMU, we're all about providing students with real-world training. Through our top-notch facilities and with the support of passionate professors, we offer an Occupational Therapy curriculum anchored on hands-on learning and practical experience.

Let us help you embark on a journey that will shape your future as a compassionate and skilled Occupational Therapist.

Vision and Mission

VisionThe University of Perpetual Help – DJGTMU College of Occupational Therapy, is the center of  an excellent Occupational Therapy Educational Program, and the well-spring of world-class occupational therapists, South of Metro Manila, Philippines. 

MissionThe University of Perpetual Help System-Laguna (DJGTMU), College of Occupational Therapy, believes and is committed to instilling among its students the virtues valued by the founders of the UPHS; hence, spreading the altruistic Perpetualite-Christian virtues in the community, in the national level, and the world at large. As it does, it shall provide the knowledge, skills, and attributes of exemplary Occupational Therapy Education; taking precedence in the board performance, community service, and research; and producing competent, well-rounded, globally-competitive Occupational Therapy graduates. 


1. Produce competent, locally and globally competitive, professionally ethical, and Perpetualite values’-imbued occupational therapists;

2. Be regarded as one of the reputable Occupational Therapy program in the country;

3. Produce quality research outputs addressing emerging issues of the OT profession;

4. Maintain and implement a sustainable program-based, outreach activities in adopted communities.

What Are We Proud of?

  1. Our OT Program’s Level I accreditation with the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCoA). 

  2. Our B.S. O.T. Program is at par with the world body of occupational therapy profession and educational standard (WFOT). This means that our OT graduates have been readily accepted to work as OT to any WFOT-member country. Our graduates are everywhere in the globe!

  3. Our B.S. Occupational Therapy Curriculum is exemplary, hence, it has found its equivalency with the Masters (MOT/MSOT) in the U.S. This means that our graduates are able to sit for the U.S. National Board of Certification Examination (NBCOT) to be certified to work and practice OT in the U.S.A. To quote NBCOT:

"Your International Occupational Therapist Eligibility Determination (IOTED) application and completed Determination of Masters Equivalence Content Evaluation Form were reviewed…, along with the additional information submitted. The Baccalaureate Degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Perpetual Help Laguna has now been determined to meet the American Occupational Therapy Educational Standards. Your graduates are now eligible to apply for the Certification Examination for the OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST REGISTERED OTR®. Congratulations!” 

Program Associate, Credentialing Services

National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc.

  1. Our BS OT Program have, as well, been positively validated, approved and accepted, individually, by the following recognized international Boards:

  • Health Professions Councils (HPC, United Kingdom)

  • Department of Health and Children (AOTI, Ireland)

  • Council of Occupational Therapy Registration Board (COTRB, New Zealand & Australia)

  • Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy Board (CAOT, Canada)

  • Norwegian Occupational Therapy Association (NETF, Norway)

  • Singapore Ministry of Manpower (SAOT, Singapore)

  • The Middle East, Mediterranean and many other WFOT-member countries

5. A. Our OT Program’s community-based works have always received recognition from  the OT world body, WFOT:

…I have commented to many colleagues around the world about your excellent CBR programme training for your occupational therapy students”. 

- Kit Sinclair, WFOT President

B. In 2016 & 2019, the UPH-DJGTMU College of Occupational Therapy Community-based Rehabilitation Program received the “City of Life Award”, from the City of Biñan, for an Outstanding Project Conducted by a Company/Organization 

6. The UPH-DJGTMU BS Occupational Therapy Program administration is currently spearheaded by: 

John T. Cabilso, MSCPD, OTRP, FPAOT


 Chair - CHED Technical Committee for OT Education (TCOTE).

Member - CHED Technical Panel for Health Education (TPHE) 

Member CHED RQAT-IV-A for OT Programs

 PACUCOA Accreditor for OT Programs


Occupational Therapy Course Outline

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